Our team

Oriol Lapiedra

Principal investigator – Google Scholar

I am a Senior Group Leader at CREAF. My primary goal as a researcher is to shed light on how organisms adapt to environmental changes with a specific focus on the role of animal behavior in this process. My research combines approaches from behavioral ecology, evolutionary ecology, and global change biology. Throughout my scientific career, I have applied these skills to study two main lines of research. A) unraveling the role of animal behavior in evolution and B) investigating how organisms successfully cope with human-induced rapid environmental changes.



Iwona Giska (PhD)

Postdoctoral researcher – Google Scholar

Iwona is interested in the genetic bases and the diversity of evolutionary paths leading to adaptations. She uses genomic approaches to study the process of animal adaptation to challenging environmental conditions. Her postdoctoral project aims at identifying the genetic basis of variation in risk-taking behavior and morphological traits in Anolis lizards.

Aina Garcia

Co-supervised, PhD Student – Google Scholar

Aina is interested in understanding how habitat alterations alter populations dynamics, behavior, and life history of wild animal populations. For her PhD, which is co-supervised with Daniel Sol, she uses jackdaws as a study system.

Guillem Casbas

PhD student – Linkedin

Guillem is a professional herpetologist studying how rapid environmental changes such as biological invasions and urbanization impact ecological and evolutoinary dynamics of native herps. His work is crucial to facilitate all data collection and analysis in the lab, and is our go-to person for fieldwork in Ibiza. 

Marc Vez

Research assistant – Linkedin

Marc is interested in animal behavior and the eco-evolutionary changes that may result from it. During his career he has studied the effects of environmental changes on urban fauna. He is currently working on the study of the role of urban areas as a refuge for biodiversity.

Eva Samblás

Former MSc Student – Linkedin

Eva’s project is focused on investigating how the snake invasion in Ibiza is shaping trophic networks across different habitats, both natural and altered. She is also interested in urban ecology.

Natàlia Martínez

Former MSc Student – Linkedin

Natalia’s project is to understand how evolutionary history and both ecological and morphological variation can drive species extinction. Using comparative phylogenetic methods to assess the main factors causing a biological loss in the cosmopolitan bird clade of Columbiformes (pigeons and doves).

Marc Llorca

Former MSc Student – Linkedin

Marc project focused in designing new behavioral assays and applying them to assess the behavioral responses of Ibiza wall lizards to snake invaders. He also acquired valuable experience in monitoring communities of arthropods throughout the island.

Eloi Pareja

Former MSc Student – Linkedin

Eloi studied the phenotypic responses of wild ranging populations of Anolis lizards to new selective regimes. Specifically, he analyzed a large dataset of X-ray images to show how their morphology is adapting to rapid environmental changes.  

Sandra Moreno

CREAF summer fellow

Sandra joined us with a CREAF summer fellowship. She is interested in urban ecology and is currently working on a project assessing the importance of urban areas as actual refugia for woldlife conservation.

Daniela Moreno

Former MSc Student

Daniela investigated behavioral shifts of wild Anolis populations across four lizard generations. She analyzed video data obtained in our field experiment in the Bahamas.